Monday, February 09, 2009


When I last posted here (about 9 months ago), I wrote an entry full of discontent. I'm obviously not that great at keeping this thing up to date, but I thought it was at least worthwhile to follow up that entry with something more upbeat.

The last entry was mostly about my job, so I'll start there. When I took this job (more than a year and a half ago), I didn't think I'd stay long. I was unemployed and couldn't be choosy, but I just didn't think the job would keep me interested for long. Since then, however, my position has evolved to become much more interesting. I won't get into the details of how the job changed, since most of you probably aren't interested, but I think it's worth mentioning that (contrary to my expectation) I've been getting more and more satisfied with my job as time goes on.

Realizing that we'd be here a while, Donnice and I bought a house in October. It's been an interesting experience. As with any move into a new place, it didn't really feel like ours right away. Then, while we were out of town for Thanksgiving, our home was broken into. They didn't take a lot, but they got a couple big items: our laptop and Donnice's car. We also had to replace the door, which they had broken. I don't know if it was the break-in, the changes we've made to the house since then, or just the amount of time we've been there, but it definitely feels like ours now.

I've often heard warnings against contentment. I think I probably even believed that contentment was the enemy of a meaningful life. But I've always had a restless nature, and I'm not sure where that really got me. At least contentment feels nice.